
About Us

We are proud to introduce our company, a leader in green energy solutions in Serbia. Our team of highly skilled and passionate professionals is committed to advancing environmental sustainability and driving the transition to clean and renewable energy sources.

Our ambitions are concrete: we aim to significantly contribute to the energy transition towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. We began our journey in 2023 with development of the projects in Vojvodina region. Our team is engaged in the development and management of over 500 MW of solar power projects and storage systems.

Our goal is clear: we want to make a tangible contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, safeguarding natural resources, and creating shared value for a more sustainable and inclusive economy. Together, we can create a brighter future by advancing toward a greener, cleaner, and more energy-efficient Serbia.

Who are we?

We are visionaries who approach the environmental and energy challenges of our country with the attitude of game changers. We look to tomorrow with the hope of realising our dreams because this is our Mission. We are ready to work together to make our future brighter.

Our Achievements

Projects in Development
0 + MW
Overall Pipeline
0 + GW
Development Experience
0 + Years
0 +
Team Members
0 +

Origination - Benefits For You and The Environment

Are you a landowner? Partner with us and lease your land for renewable energy projects. 

Do you have unused land that you would like to rent or sell? Would you like to repurpose a piece of land that is currently idle? At Trinasolar ISBU, we are actively seeking agricultural and industrial land for the installation of renewable energy systems. 

Leasing your land for a renewable energy project provides you with a stable and secure income stream over time. Additionally, it allows you to play a significant role in the energy transition and the reduction of CO2 emissions locally and globally. 

We are looking for industrial or agricultural land that can be developed for renewable energy production.  

Contact us today for a personalised evaluation and to learn more about how you can benefit from partnering with Trina ISBU. 


Get a Secure, Long-Term Income 

We can help you get the most out of your land with a competitive market rate. You’ll receive an annual payment, which depends on factors like soil quality, exposure, and other technical aspects. The agreement can last between 30 and 40 years. If you’d rather get your money upfront, we can arrange an advance payment of the annual rent or discuss a purchase agreement. 


Make the Most of Your Land

Our photovoltaic systems typically use around 40-45% of the leased land, leaving plenty of room for dual land use. On the same land, you can generate energy while continuing agricultural activities like sheep grazing, beekeeping, or planting perennial herbs. We’re happy to design the solar system to match your priorities and agricultural practices, ensuring seamless dual land use.

Contact us today for more information on agrivoltaics. 

Our Projects

Contact Us

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Land Owners