Regno Unito


At Trinasolar UK, we are a developer, owner, and operator of distributed energy assets, committed to helping the United Kingdom achieve its net-zero ambitions by 2050. We are proud to be one of the leading renewable energy companies dedicated to building a sustainable future. As the world’s top provider of energy solutions, Trinasolar International System Business Unit (‘ISBU) focuses on utility-scale projects in the UK energy market. We recognise the need for clean energy, the importance of reducing carbon emissions, and the critical role of energy security for end users.

With our expertise in project development and financing, along with a proven track record in construction, Trina Solar ISBU UK is a leader in the development and management of solar, battery energy storage, wind, and green hydrogen projects nationwide.

As the UK’s electricity network shifts to a low-carbon system, the gradual retirement of large fossil fuel power stations is causing increasing imbalances between supply and demand. Solar, wind and other renewable energy systems now comprise a significant portion of the nation’s energy mix. Battery storage plays a crucial role in addressing these imbalances by balancing supply and demand in real time, strengthening electricity networks, and preventing power shortages. By storing excess energy during periods of high generation and releasing it during peak demand, these systems provide embedded energy to local communities. Additionally, these advanced solar, wind, and battery storage units support the further development of renewable energy sources like green hydrogen.

With our expertise in project development and financing, along with a proven track record in construction, Trina Solar ISBU UK is a leader in the development and management of solar, battery energy storage, wind, and green hydrogen projects nationwide.



Progetti autorizzati
0 +MW
0 +GW
Projects in Construction
0 +MW
Esperienza nello Sviluppo
0 +Anni
Membri Del Team
0 +

Work with us - Landowners​

Allocating a portion of your land for solar, wind, or battery power generation offers a diversified and reliable income stream. Well-planned energy projects can also support multiple land uses, such as livestock grasing, and contribute to biodiversity improvements.

Why solar and wind? ​

Solar and wind energy are passive technologies that provide local, sustainable electricity, enhancing the security of the nation’s energy mix. Their affordability and reliability, especially during peak electricity demand periods, make them ideal energy sources.

The importance of battery storage​

Battery storage is a key technology that provides local, sustainable energy solutions, bolstering the stability of the world’s power grid. By storing excess energy for use during peak demand periods, batteries enhance grid reliability and help balance supply and demand. Their ability to store renewable energy, such as solar and wind, further increases energy security and supports the transition to a cleaner, more resilient energy system.

What you need to know


Wind and solar farms can boost rural economies by creating local jobs, generating substantial property tax revenue, and providing landowners with a reliable source of income to supplement their farm earnings.​


With energy projects lasting up to 40 years, it's crucial to be responsible stewards of the land and long-term partners with local communities. Our solar projects aim not only to generate clean electricity but also to enhance the local ecosystems.​

Green, local energy​

Renewable energy sources also reduce reliance on fossil fuels, leading to cleaner air and improved public health. Additionally, by contributing to energy security and stability, these sources help protect communities from fluctuating energy prices and supply disruptions. ​

Land Dual Use​

Solar farms can be designed to allow grazing, thereby preserving the land's agricultural use.​ Wind turbines occupy only a small portion of the land they are installed on. This allows farmers to continue using the majority of their land for growing crops or grazing livestock and maintain agricultural productivity.​

Work with us -
Co Development Opportunities

Leverage our global expertise to form robust, mutually beneficial development partnerships that invest in and support local communities. Our extensive experience includes structuring introducer agreements, portfolio deals, joint ventures, pipeline acquisitions, and co-development projects.

By partnering with Trinasolar ISBU UK, we bring additional strength and insight to these endeavours. We are dedicated to safe and ethical business practices, ensuring that we and our partners adhere to the highest possible standards in all our projects. Our commitment is to deliver impactful solutions while fostering sustainable development and community support

I Nostri Progetti


Il semiconduttore di cui sono ricoperti i pannelli fotovoltaici, ad esempio il silicio, è sensibile alla luce. Entrando a contatto con le radiazioni solari, tramite l'effetto fotovoltaico genera energia elettrica .

Si gli impianti solari sono capaci di generare energia anche durante le "brutte giornate", anche se con una resa minore. I moduli infatti catturano sia la luce diretta che quella indiretta.

La maggior parte dei pannelli solari ha una vita che oscilla tra i 25 ed i 30 anni. La loro efficenza può diminuire leggermente negli anni, ma sono considerabili dei beni durevoli. .

Attraverso una turbina eolica che trasforma l'energia cinetica delle correnti d'aria in energia elettrica. Il processo di estrazione avviene principalmente grazie al rotore, che trasforma l'energia cinetica in energia meccanica, e al generatore, che trasforma quella energia meccanica in energia elettrica.

Tra i fattori principali vi è la velocità dei venti e la loro continuità, la legislazione comunale in materia, la grandezza e tipologia delle turbine, il potenziale impatto sulla fauna e sull'ambiente.

Le pale hanno un loro impatto sonoro, derivante perlopiù dalla rotazione e dal funzionamento degli ingranaggi meccanici. Ad ogni modo le pale moderne sono disegnate per diminuire al minimo questo suono, il loro rumore può ormai essere comparato a quello di un frigorifero o di un condizionatore.

I sistemi di accumulo di energia (Storage) immagazzinano energia per un utilizzo successivo. Questi si ricaricano nei momenti in cui la produzione di energia supera il fabbisogno (Es. Nelle giornate particolarmente soleggiate o ventose), e scaricano quando la domanda è alta o la produzione di energia rinnovabile cala, aiutando a stabilizzare la fornitura energetica.

Le tipologie di batterie comunemente utilizzate per l'immagazzinamento dell'energia sono: batterie agli ioni di litio, al piombo e a flusso. Le più utilizzate tuttavia sono quelle al litio, per via della loro alta capacità, durata ed efficienza.


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